YardCrafting Glossary
Whether you're into wildcrafting, foraging, herbalism or yardcrafting, we talk about weed properties a lot. Terms like astringent, hepatic, diuretic get thrown around a lot. Now, I'm not a scientist or a dictionary aficionado , and I don't know about you, but these aren't terms that were used in my daily life until herbalism knocked on my door. So if you're in the same boat, here's a nifty little glossary without needing to google each one. We'll be adding more terms as our learning continues. Anti-anemic: Increases red cell production.
Anti-diarrheal: Alleviates diarrhea.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling and inflammation of the tissues.
Anti-scorbutic: Provides vitamin C.
Aperient: Acts as a mild laxative.
Astringent: Tightens, constricts, and tones while reducing secretions and discharges.
Cholagogue: Promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the duodenum. Depurative: Reduces impurities or heterogenous matter. Think of it as a purifying agent.
Diuretic: Increases the flow of urine and secretions.
Galactagogue: Stimulates the flow of mother's milk. Hepatic: Reduces congestion and drains the liver.
Laxative: Promotes evacuation of the bowels.
Sedative: Reduces anxiety, stress, irritability, or excitement.
Stomachic: Strengthens and tones the stomach.